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The Art of Making Money: The Fascinating Story of Notorious Counterfeiter Arthur Williams Jr

Arthur "Artorius" Williams Jr is a notorious American counterfeiter who gained fame for his ability to produce counterfeits of the 1996-issued $100 bill that were of such high quality that they were virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. His story was featured on NPR's The Diane Rehm Show, American Greed, and now on the RideBoundless Podcast.

Born and raised in Chicago, Williams began his career as a counterfeiter in the early 1990s and quickly gained a reputation for producing top-quality counterfeits. He became known as the "Art of Making Money," a nickname that was later used as the title of a book about his life and crimes.

Despite his success as a counterfeiter, Williams eventually found himself on the wrong side of the law. He was eventually caught and sentenced to prison, where he served time for his crimes.

Today, Williams is back in Chicago and has turned his attention to more legitimate pursuits. He has shared his story on a number of podcasts and television shows, hoping to use his experience to educate others about the dangers of counterfeiting and the importance of living an honest life.

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